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Friday, July 26, 2024

‘I Enjoy Little Girls Than Grown-ups’ — 57-yr-old Rapist Confesses in Anambra


By Izunna Okafor, Awka

A 57-year-old man, caught defiling a 10-year-old girl in Anambra State, has confessed to enjoy little girls than grown-up women.

The suspect, identified as Chidi Obieze who was arrested on Wednesday made the confession when being interrogated, a video of which is currently trending on the social media.

According to the video, Mr. Obiaeze who lives in Egbem Ozubulu in Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State, was caught and tied by community youths in Oraifite, which is a neighbouring community to Ozubulu. It was gathered that he has long been in the habit of defiling little girls.

During the interrogation, the suspect also confessed to have been in the act of defiling little girls since about ten years ago, and pledged to stop indulging in such if freed.

“I also like grown-up women, but my best are little girls. I have been doing this for about 10 years now,” he said.

When asked what he was doing with the 10-year-old girl with whom he was caught, Mr. Obiaeze said “I was only romancing her with my private part.”

He however pleaded for mercy and forgiveness, while assuring that he would repent from such act if released.

When contacted, the Spokesperson of the Anambra State Police Command, DSP Ikenga Tochukwu said he did not have any information on the incident, and promised to get back to this reporter as soon as he receives any information on that.

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